I was reading a friend's blog recently and she was writing about her unique experience of faith and how it may dance with other expressions of faith ~ the words 'dance' and 'faith' began to spin around in my head and heart and I was reminded how much I love to dance with my husband; how much I love to dance with my children (when they let me); and how much I love to crank the tunes and move with abandon around my living room. As much as I love the dancing, it is not always graceful or pain-free ~ sometimes the timing is off; sometimes feet get stepped on; sometimes the turns are too vigorous and there might be a fall, or at a minimum, some imbalance ~ it can be downright awkward and embarrassing. Such is my dance with Faith as well.
Faith is my, always patient and willing, but somewhat shy, dance partner. I'm sure Faith finds me incredibly frustrating ~ Faith waits for me to ask, but sometimes I just don't want to dance and then when I do, I tend to want to lead ~ Faith goes along with my way of dancing for awhile, but it is definitely awkward. (Think scenes from Seinfeld of Elaine dancing.)
It is always a blessing and the dance is transforming when I allow myself to feel the strength of my Faith and follow when I hear the whisper, "loosen up ~ breathe ~ I've got you ~ let me lead."
and SOMETIMES when your dance gets ways too embarrassing, your kids run and hide.
and catch it all on videotape.
I love love love this..... and really puts things in perspective because I too love to lead.. and have a hard time letting go of that.
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